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Post by spiderwort on Oct 10, 2022 12:56:19 GMT
While I am sad that despite my best, most passionate efforts I failed to persuade you to take a leap of faith and watch the Coen's brilliant adaptation of TRUE GRIT asap, I know you love SOUNDER as much as I do - so perhaps we have similar tastes? I should also point out that the Coen's film is rated PG13. Hopefully, when I challenge Mike6's comments about the Coen's adaptation of the Portis novel - elsewhere on this thread, it causes you have a rethink and take the plunge into the 2010 TRUE GRIT. I, LOL, would also argue that you would get more - both intellectually and emotionally - out of watching TRUE GRIT (2010) for the first time than watching a glossy, admittedly exciting and entertaining, eighties flick like WAR GAMES. Or, maybe I should just say to myself, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink . Last shot, the Coen's take on TRUE GRIT ends with an exquisite coda which is incredibly moving. I must add that this coda alone makes the film essential viewing. Or, LOL, maybe I should just admit my powers of persuasion are waning - in a world I no longer understand, and I am not the salesman I once was.
Thanks for your all thoughtful comments, stryker. And I promise that I will watch the new TRUE GRIT (glad to know it's PG 13; also, of course, I know there's no comparison between it and the well-done escapism of WAR GAMES). Anyway, I do plan to watch it; I just need a little more time. And you need to know that I have close personal connections to the original TRUE GRIT (friends in the cast, et al), and those affections will always take precedence over any other version, no matter how good it is. But I will watch the new one, I promise. I'm just not ready yet. (Looking forward to that "coda" you mention, by the way. Oh, and you are not the only one who doesn't understand the world anymore. I definitely don't. )