Post by mecano04 on May 11, 2019 22:18:02 GMT
Make sure there are Sex education classes in school?
The more you make it taboo the more of an issue it will be.
Post by kls on May 11, 2019 22:33:24 GMT
Just out of curiosity, what are these people afraid might happen if a kid saw pornography? All of these bans are supposedly to protect young children from being exposed to it. What is the danger exactly? I fully understand what the dangers are of kids getting their hands on guns, or alcohol, or heroin and methamphetamine. Don't get what the danger is of "dirty" pictures. One of the concerns is the desensitizing of seeing women as only sex objects. And that can be an issue.
But outside of that, a lot of whacking off I guess? Dick burn maybe?
I wouldn't think an overreaction is in order if a kid gets an eyeful every now and then. But the thing is if there is frequent exposure the kid is getting a very unrealistic view of what to expect from sex and how lovers should interact with each other.